Knowledge of women with visual impairment about the human papillomavirus and risk factors


  • Inacia Sátiro Xavier de França
  • Caroline Gomes Maciel
  • Jamilly da Silva Aragão
  • Alexsandro Silva Coura
  • Aldenice Oliveira dos Santos
  • Arthur Felipe Rodrigues Silva



Visually Impaired Persons, Women’s Health, Papillomaviridae.


Objective: to identify the knowledge of women visual impairment about the human papillomavirus and its association with risk factors. Methods: cross-sectional study with 29 women with visual impairment using a questionnaire containing demographic variables, risk factors and knowledge about the human papillomavirus. The analysis was performed using analytical and descriptive statistics, Fisher’s test, considering the significancelevel of 5%. Results: most participants said that they had already heard about the human papillomavirus (86.2%).One verified an association between the knowledge about the virus and the age of first sexual intercourse, the preventive Papanicolaou test and the frequency and use of condom. Conclusion: women with visual impairment, although with limitations, show knowledge about the human papillomavirus. This knowledge was associatedwith risk factors.




How to Cite

França, I. S. X. de, Maciel, C. G., Aragão, J. da S., Coura, A. S., Santos, A. O. dos, & Silva, A. F. R. (2017). Knowledge of women with visual impairment about the human papillomavirus and risk factors. Rev Rene, 18(3), 314–320.



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