Care in the Ostomates Programs: the multidisciplinary team’s perspective
Ostomy; Disabled Persons; Health Personnel; Health Services; Public Health Policy.Abstract
Objective: to interpret the multidisciplinary team’s perspective on care for ostomates. Methods: qualitative study involving five professionals from the multidisciplinary team of the Ostomates Program, based on the Social Model of Disability. To collect the data, a focus group, participant and non-participant observation were used, along with a field diary, interpreted using the thematic analysis method. Results: the experience of this team was interpreted based on the theme Challenges for the implementation of the Ostomates Program and the respective thematic nuclei: In search of teamwork and Specialized care demands for intestinal ostomates, which evidenced the influences on the work and the need for improvements in care, infrastructure and human resources. Conclusion: the health professionals’ integration among different public healthcare levels and the ostomates and families’ participation influence the care for ostomates.
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