Health needs related to chemotherapy treatment: construction and validation of educational videos
Oncology Nursing; Drug Therapy; Validation Study; Educational Technology; Needs Assessment.Abstract
Objective: to construct and validate the content of educational videos on health needs related to chemotherapy treatment. Methods: methodological study, carried out in four stages: identification of the health needs of patients on chemotherapy; construction of the educational videos; validation by expert judges; and adequacy. Results: health needs were identified and based on these, three educational videos were constructed with content validated by 31 to 35 judges, depending on the content of each one. The total Content Validity Index and the items of the evaluation criteria were higher than 0.80 and all items had a 95% confidence interval, whose lower limit was also higher than 0.80. Subsequently, the suggested adaptations were made to improve and confer legitimacy to the videos. Conclusion: the videos are believed to contribute to the patients’ knowledge and self-management of symptoms at home, adaptation to treatment, and consequent improvement in quality of life.
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