Development of a mobile application to support self-care for people with intestinal stomas
Ostomy; Self Care; Educational Technology; Health Education; Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to develop a mobile application to support self- -care for people with intestinal stomas. Methods: descriptive study of technological innovation, guided by Theory of Self-Care to organize the application´s content and production. Design Science Research that followed the steps: problem knowledge identified in practice; determination of the artifact objectives; development; demonstration. Before the technology development, a qualitative study was conducted to understand difficulties in self-care and a scope review to map the content. Two specialized professionals helped in the application development. Results: ostocuide application has 36 screens subdivided into menus: registration and record; feeding; self-care; stomas types; health care; laws; curiosities; contact and interactive questions. The application offers the diary function for photos and texts records about care performed with the stoma and the possibility of sending questions to researchers responsible for the application. Conclusion: the application was successfully developed and gathered resources that may collaborate with the self-care of people with intestinal stomas. Contributions to practice: the application can contribute to the population learning with intestinal stomas and to health education carried out by nurses.
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