Vulnerability to Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection among women of childbearing age
Sexually Transmitted Diseases; HIV; Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; Women’s Health; Health Vulnerability.Abstract
Objective: to analyze female vulnerability factors associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection among women of childbearing age. Methods: a case-control epidemiological study with women of childbearing age performed at a referral service center. Data on socioeconomic vulnerability, individual, partners and health services were collected. These were analyzed in univariate, bivariate and multivariate ways. Results: 174 women participated in the study, in which it was shown that the chances for infection increased fourfold to those with family income up to 1,000.00, 5.5 times more for those who did not know female condoms, 16.7 times more for those who used alcohol and 4.8 times higher for those who did not receive guidelines in the health services. Conclusion: the analysis made it possible to identify the main vulnerability markers for virus infection in women of childbearing age, especially those of an individual, socioeconomic and programmatic nature.
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