Practice of obstetric nurses in humanized childbirth care in a high-risk maternity
Humanizing Delivery; Nurse Midwives; Deli- very Rooms; Pregnancy, High-Risk.Abstract
Objective: to understand the practice of obstetric nurses in childbirth care for high-risk pregnant women. Methods: a qualitative study, with seven obstetric nurses that attend high-risk pregnant women. The data collection took place using semi-structured interviews that were submitted to content analysis for data treatment. Results: it has been evident that nurses knew, performed, and encouraged good practices during care, but identified factors that prevented the development of these practices in an acceptable way. They reported on the reasons for these practices and the dissatisfaction met in the course of their work. Conclusion: the enrolled nurses were motivated and showed interests in humanized practices, but were unpleased with the distinct challenges met, such as outdated professionals and the service’s organizational structure.
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