Health assistance to the HIV positive w0men in brazil: reflecting on public policies


  • Carolina Maria de Lima Carvalho
  • Violante Augusta Batista Braga
  • Maria Josefina da Silva
  • Marli Teresinha Gimeniz Galvão


Acquired Immunodefi ciency Syndrome, HIV, Health Public Policy, Women’s Health.


The introduction of public policies upon HIV/AIDS has made Brazil an example for the world in the free distribution of medicine. Due to the anti-retroviral therapy benefi ts there has been not only an increase in the period of life of the HIV positive since the diagnosis of the illness but also a better quality of life. Thus, this research aimed to refl ect on the women who are HIV positive as far as the health assistance issue is concerned and having as a reference the public. This way, it was aimed to refl ect on the presence of the health of the woman with HIV/Aids in Brazil, taking the public policies as a referential. This study, of refl exive-theoretical nature, analyzed documents from 1997 to 2007, by means of consultation in data basis. After analyzing and discussing the documents, the resultant data were presented in a large-scale category: public health policies, interfaces with the woman health as well as with the DST/Aids. The conclusion was that there was improvement concerning the policies of attention to the woman’s health, notwithstanding gaps to be fi lled in as news debates and discussions are encouraged, support to capacitating manifestation of solidarity to the mentioned cause.




How to Cite

Carvalho, C. M. de L., Braga, V. A. B., Silva, M. J. da, & Galvão, M. T. G. (2008). Health assistance to the HIV positive w0men in brazil: reflecting on public policies. Rev Rene, 9(3). Retrieved from



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