Estimate of the potential to develop diabetes mellitus in the staff members of the university hospital Walter Cantídio


  • Markleide Caracas de Souza
  • Marta Maria Coelho Damasceno
  • Maria Francilita Frota Loureiro
  • Zenilda Nogueira Sales
  • Regina Lúcia Lino Marques
  • Paulo César de Almeida


Diabetes mellitus, Risk, Prevention & Control.


It was objectified to identify, in the population of servers of an university hospital, those in risk of developing Diabetes mellitus (DM). The data were collected through the questionnaire: Are you “possible to have diabetes and not to know”? and the sample involved 285 subjects. Of those interviewed, 39,6% were considered of high risk to develop the disease. Of these, 15,5% presented blood glucose above the normal, being considered possible diabetics. The participants received a folder about DM and orientations concerning the need from adopting healthy life habits. It is concluded that studies of this nature should be accomplished in another populations because, knowing that we have risks of developing a disease we can prevent it or to hold it up.




How to Cite

Souza, M. C. de, Damasceno, M. M. C., Loureiro, M. F. F., Sales, Z. N., Marques, R. L. L., & Almeida, P. C. de. (2001). Estimate of the potential to develop diabetes mellitus in the staff members of the university hospital Walter Cantídio. Rev Rene, 2(2). Retrieved from



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