Use of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in young people: an integrative review
Health Education; HIV; HIV Infections; Post-Exposure Prophylaxis; Technology.Abstract
Objective: to identify the use of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in young people in the context of sexual risk behavior. Methods: this is an integrative review, with search in LILACS, MEDLINE, CINAHL, SCOPUS, SciELO and COCHRANE, using the main descriptors: HIV, HIV Infections, Health Education, Technology and Post-Exposure Prophylaxis related through the Boolean operators AND and OR. Results: the final sample included 16 studies, mostly implemented with men who have sex with men. The articles were classified and analyzed from the categories: knowledge assessment; barriers/challenges to adherence to post-exposure prophylaxis; population using post-exposure prophylaxis; and educational technologies. Conclusion: non-adherence was related to the ignorance of basic information such as the indication of post-exposure prophylaxis, place of delivery, dosage, and side effects. Contributions to practice: synthesis of knowledge about the use of post-exposure prophylaxis by young people. In addition to increasing research on young people in the context of risky sexual behavior, especially in the nursing field, it subsidizes the development of health education strategies.
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